Circuit Service 24th April 2005

A circuit service was held at Low Hill at 18:00, 24th April 2005 two weeks before the church was to close. The church was very full on this occasion. The following liturgy was used for part of the service:

L. Living God, you are present everywhere in heaven and on earth, and your glory rests on places where you have set your name.

You hallowed this place, which has been a house of prayer, and a place where you have been served for 77 years


For 77 years you have guided us, Lord, continue to guide your faithful servants with gracious favour and further everyone connected with this Church and the Circuit with your continuing help; that in all that is done in the future your name may be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


We will now light some candles to represent various aspects of the life of the Church

I light this large candle to represent the on going ministry of the Church by those whose Christian journey started here.

1. I light this candle in remembrance of the founding fathers; the vision they had, and the support they gave the Church.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

2. I light this candle in remembrance of all the babies who have been baptized here, and gone out with the church's blessing.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

3. I light this candle in remembrance of all those who came here to make their solemn marriage vows before God.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

4. I light this candle in remembrance of the many faithful who had run the race, and finished, and their last journey was to this church.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

5. I light this candle to remember all the young people who have gone out to college or work, taking something of This Church with them.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

6. I light this candle to remember the ministers, the leaders, the Sunday School teachers and Youth Workers, who have led and inspired many generations.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Jesus:

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom.

7. I light this candle to remember the hundreds of people who have worshipped here, who have given generously, and have worked in many ways to maintain it.


L. Come now and dwell with us Lord Christ Jesus. Hear our prayer and be with us always.

C. And when you come in your glory, make us to be one with you and to share the life of your kingdom. AMEN

L. Gracious God, you have built your Church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.

We have recalled this evening what your disciples have done in your name here .

Almighty God, this house was built to honour and serve you; to fill our minds with greater reverence for your glory, and to inspire hearts with devotion and joy.

We ask your continued blessing upon the congregation as they have a final service on the 8th May and continue their worship and service in another Church to the honour of your glorious name.


L. Father, as a Circuit, may we live in the knowledge of the rich inheritance we have received through the work of Low Hill Church.

C. Lord, create a new heart in us. Holy Spirit, help us bear much more fruit for your glory. Father, show us your ways, teach us your paths and give us the grace to remain faithful to the end. AMEN.

The Lord's Prayer

The service closed with the unaccompanied singing of "This, this is the God we adore".

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